bx.cookbook.attribute module

Provides functions for creating simple properties.

If, inside a class definition, you write:

attribute(foo=1, bar=2)

simple properties named ‘foo’ and ‘bar’ are created for this class. Also, private instance variables ‘__foo’ and ‘__bar’ will be added to instances of this class.


# assumes attribute.py is on path from attribute import *

class MyClass(object):

readable(foo=1, bar=2) # or, attribute(‘r’, foo=1, bar=2) writable(fro=3, boz=4) # or, attribute(‘w’, fro=3, boz=4) attribute(baz=5)

This is equivalent to the following:

class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self):

self.__foo = 1 self.__bar = 2 self.__fro = 3 self.__boz = 4 self.__baz = 5

def get_foo(self):

return self.__foo

def get_bar(self):

return self.__bar

def set_fro(self, value):

self.__fro = value

def set_boz(self, value):

self.__boz = value

def get_baz(self):

return self.__baz

def set_baz(self, value):

self.__baz = value

def del_baz(self):

del self.__baz

foo = property(fget=get_foo, doc=”foo”) bar = property(fget=get_bar, doc=”bar”) fro = property(fset=set_fro, doc=”fro”) boz = property(fset=set_boz, doc=”boz”) baz = property(fget=get_baz, fset=set_baz, fdel=del_baz, doc=”baz”)

bx.cookbook.attribute.attribute(permission='rwd', **kwds)

returns one property for each (key,value) pair in kwds; each property provides the specified level of access(permission):

‘r’: readable, ‘w’:writable, ‘d’:deletable


returns one read-only property for each (key,value) pair in kwds


returns one write-only property for each (key,value) pair in kwds